KA6U Roadtrip Update - June 1, 2022 0045UTC

Here is a general change to operating plans.

I will try to activate 2M and 23cm first at the same time and then move to 70cm and finally go to 222.  This makes sense because of the EU moon window!

I can run 23cm continuously because I don't need to share the antenna tripod.

I will see how/if I can effectively operate two bands at the same time or if it is too exhausting or risky (operator errors).

If there is a lot of interest on multiple bands, I will probably operate at least two days in each state.  If in the first day I operate 2M first then 70cm, on the second day I would operate 70cm first then 2M.

I have 4 of the 5 station checked out.  Will test 23cm tomorrow.  Lots of new cables, tightening connections, etc... 

I will not operate on 23cm when it is raining.  Other bands yes.  Last year  had very few rain problems because I modified plans to dodge weather.


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