KA6U Update - July 6, 2022 - 0230UTC 

Thanks to everyone who called today.  64 QSO's uploaded to LoTW.

Conditions on 23cm and 70cm were excellent.  2M conditions ranged from OK to very hard with asymmetrical propagation and Faraday.

There was an enormous strong thunderstorm on the edge of the activation location.  I sat and waited for it to move far enough away so I could set up.  As a result I was QRV at moonrise on 23 and 70cm.
I was able to make QSOs on 23cm starting at 1 degree elevation.  Same for 70cm.

Here is the station shortly after Moonrise.  The wheat in front of the 23cm antenna wasn't a problem.

I was having problems with one of the IC705's overheating driving the 70cm PA with 6 watts.  So I installed forced air cooling for the exciter.  The hose connects directly to an air conditioning outlet in the truck.  Works perfectly.

I had continuous QSOs on 23cm and 70cm.  Zoom in on the photo and you can see the dual band operation.  Everything worked great today./

Here is a long view of the setup.  Not a single power line, radio tower etc. in sight!  Nice breeze all day to keep most of the biting flies away. 

I had a surprising number of visitors today for this isolated country road.  3 ham operators stopped by, one who used to work at Collins.  They were very interested in the operation.

Operating Plan for July 6, 2022 - South Dakota

I will operate in South Dakota tomorrow.  No additional operations planned at this time until July 17th.

  • Moonrise 1900UTC - 2030UTC - 23cm and 70cm
  • 2030UTC - 2330UTC - 23cm and 2M  (I know the window is getting short)
  • 0000UTC - 0130UTC - 222 EME
July 17 - 19 I may activate Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa

73 Peter, KA6U


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