KA6U Update - December 12, 2022 0100UTC

NH6Y Tom on Maui in Hawaii has added a permanent 70cm EME station at his location.

K5QE Marshall, NC1I Frank, W6TCP Ian, N1AV Jay, NH6Y Tom and KA6U Peter have collaborated to provide a 70cm EME station essentially the same as KA6U Peter's roving station for permanent installation.  The station is at Tom's residence in BL10ts (see photo on QRZ.com of the QTH before 70cm installation).

The station includes 2x25 HPOL K1FO yagi's from Directive Systems (my spare antennas), 600W Tajfun 1000 70cm PA, Q5 transverter, and WD5AGO cavity preamp.

Last night Tom was able to make test contacts with K5QE, ON4AOI and DL4APV.  Based on the experience with my roving station Tom should be able to work most 4 yagi or larger stations and in good conditions 2 yagi stations.  He doesn't have polarity rotation so on some days Faraday will win.

Tom's location has a delayed moonrise in the Eastern direction (Maui is a volcano after all) which may result in a short EU window to the East on some days.  When the Moon is North the EU window at Tom's moonset can be about 3 hours long because he has a clear view of the horizon to the West.

Thanks to Marshall, Frank, Ian and Jay for contributing to help make this station possible and Tom for hosting the station at his Island QTH.

I guess I won't be roving to Hawaii :-)

Happy WAS hunting.

Peter KA6U


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